You’ve got your student loan and your maintenance loan, but when you see the costs of student accommodation and add up the figures, it can still be quite hard to see how you are going to make ends meet. It is also worth bearing in mind that there are some scholarships available which either pay for your accommodation costs or a percentage towards the costs. Some of these are specific to a particular university and will require you to have accepted the university as your first choice in UCAS. There are also a couple which are more generic.
Unite Foundation Scholarships
The Unite Foundation provides free student accommodation and a generous annual scholarship to young people in the UK who aspire to a degree – but face the most challenging circumstances.
The City Undergraduate Accommodation Bursary
£2,000 a year towards accommodation costs in City University’s nominated halls for students who are ordinarily resident in England and have a household income of less than £42,611
Scotland Accommodation Bursaries
For students who are Scotland-domiciled but living away from home when studying at the University of Edinburgh; living outside the City of Edinburgh at the time of application to the University; eligible to receive a guaranteed offer of University accommodation; in receipt of a Young Students’ Bursary or an Independent Students’ Bursary.
Accommodation Award
A discount of £3,000 per annum for the first 2 years of study at the University of St Andrews will be available to undergraduate and postgraduate applicants from September 2016. The award will be means-tested, based on financial need. Household income below £34,000
Undergraduate Academic Achievement Award
£2,000 towards the cost of your accommodation at Cardiff Metropolitan University. You must achieve results that are within the top 10 in your academic school.