A good internet service has become an essential for students these days and whilst you will have internet provided for you when you are in halls, once you start renting your own student house you will need to shop around for the best deal for you.
Many companies do offer special student rates and deals on internet connections, including 9 month contracts which just cover you for term time but it is important to compare what you are getting for that package as it won’t necessarily be the best overall price.
Things to consider when buying a broadband package
1. Requirement for a landline phone
Most broadband providers require you to have a landline through which to deliver their services. As most students all have their own mobile phones and are unlikely to be using the landline for calls, make sure you know what you are being charged for the line rental and that it is just the rental and don’t forget that if your house does not have a landline already installed, there will be an additional cost involved in getting one set up.
2. Contract length and fees
Most broadband providers will have a minimum contract period but often the longer contracts work out cheaper so sit down and work out beforehand how much each one will cost you in total for the year before committing to one supplier. Check if there any connection fees or costs to buy the router and how much it would be to pay off a contract if you don’t want to see it through to the end.
3. Speed and Usage
When you first move in to a new house you should discuss with your flat mates about how they use the internet. You may think you don’t download a lot of data watching videos and gaming but even with five, six or seven people downloading pdfs or other course related materials this could soon add up. Most broadband providers do now offer unlimited downloads but speeds still vary considerably on different packages which will also be dependent on your location as well as your provider.
It can seem like a minefield trying to find the best deal to suit you and if you’ve never done this kind of thing before it can be even more daunting. To get you started here are some quick links to the leading broadband suppliers’ offers for students.
BT Broadband for students TalkTalk Broadband for Students
Student Broadband from Virgin media Sky broadband for Students